1. Serum Arginase in the patients of hepato-cellular Jaundice - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Kanpur, 1975.
2. Serum Arginase in Experimental liver damage - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Kanpur, 1975.
3. Conray Inguinal Herniography - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I., Kanpur, 1975.
4. Exfoliative cytology and Toludine Blue Test in the Diagnosis of early Neoplastic Lesions of Oral Cavity. - U.G.C. Seminar on Head and Neck Cancer, Varanasi, Feb., 1976.
5. Inguinal Chromo-Herniography - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Meerut, Nov, 1976.
6. Routine Ano-rectal dialation - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Meerut, Nov., 1976.
7. Lactic Acid in Cranio-Cerebral Trauma - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Meerut, Nov., 1976.
8. Sigmoidopexy by Tube Colostomy - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Meerut, Nov., 1976.
9. Misdiagnosis of Tetanus - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Lucknow, Nov., 1977.
10. Acetyl Choline in acute Cranio-cerebral trauma - UP Chapter of ASI, Lucknow, Nov., 1977
11. Patterns of Chest injuries in civilian practice - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Lucknow, Nov., 1977.
12. Trends of Surgery in Pulmonary Tuberculosis - National Tuberculosis Conference, Lucknow, Oct., 1976.
13. Surgery in Pulmonary Tuberculosis - Annual Conference of I.M.A. Varanasi, March, 1977.
14. Ventury Bronchoscopy - A.S.I. Conference, Madurai, 1977.
15. Radio-Therapy in Carcinoma Oesophagus - A.S.I. Conference, Madurai, 1977.
16. Experimental production of intra-peritoneal adhesions and their prevention - International Conference of Anatomical Society ,Lucknow, Oct.,1977
17. Unilateral destroyed lung - National Conference of T.B. Association, Lucknow ,October,1977.
18. Sign of Pleural Thickening in Chronic Empyema - Annual Conference of Radiologists Assoc., Lucknow,1978.
19. Primary and Secondary Pleuro-Pulmonary mycosis.- International Cardio- pulmonary Symposium ,Bombay, Sept.1977.
20. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome- Vascular manifestation and their management - Mid Session Cardio-pulmonary Congress, Kanpur, Sept.1978.
21. Early and late results of surgical management of traumatic arterio- venous fistulae and aneurysms - Mid Session of Cardio-Pulmonary Congress, Kanpur, 1978.
22. I.V. Metronidozole in anaerobic infections - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Agra 1978.
23. Calculography in the Diagnosis of Cholecystolithisis -UP Chapter of ASI, Agra, 1978.
24. Role of I.P.P.R. and Bronchodialators in respiratory insufficiency - U.P. Chapter of ASI, Agra, 1978.
25. Incidence of carcinoma breast.- U.G.C. Seminar on Breast Cancer, Varanasi , March,1979.
26. Urinary Neutral 17-Keto steroids in carcinoma breast - U.G.C. Seminar on Breast Cancer, Varanasi March 1979.
27. Our experiences in permanent pacemakers' implantations - Mid Session Congress of Cardiology & Cardiac Surgeons, Srinagar, 1979.
28. Combination Chemotherapy in advanced breast cancer -4th Asian Cancer Congress, Bombay, 1979.
29. Radical Neck Dissection and primary re-construction in oral cancer - Conference of A.S.I. Hyderabad, 1979.
30. Newer Perspectives in the understanding of post-operative intraperitoneal adhesions - Best Paper Award on Basic Research - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I., Allahabad, 1979.
31. Role of Surgery in the management of Pulmonary Tuberculosis - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Allahabad, 1979.
32. Prenatal Sex Determination. Urological Workshop, K.G.M.C.Lucknow, Sept.29.1979
33. Effect of Contraceptives on Chromosomes - 4th National Conference of Ethnographic & Folk Culture, Lucknow, 1980.
34. Histo-Pathology of Testis in post-vasectomy sterility - 4th National Conf of Ethnographic & Folk Culture, Lucknow, 1980.
35. Effect of Sex Hormones on Chromosomes - Professor K.B.Memorial paper contest, Lucknow, January, 1980.
36. Role of practitioners in the management of chest injuries.- Annual Conference of I.M.A., Faizabad1980
37. Role of practitioners in thoracic Emergencies -.- Annual Conference of I.M.A., Barabanki 1980
38. Management of Carcinoma oesophagus, a review of 266 patients - 1st Mid Term Conference of Oncology A.S.I. Bombay, August 1980.
39. Screening of well women by thermography coupled with mammography .1st Mid Term Conference of Oncology, A.S.I. Bombay, and August 1980.
40. Radical Resection in oral cancer - a review U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Varanasi, 1980.
41. Screening for early detection of carcinoma breast - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Varanasi, 1980.
42. Evaluation of reproductive factor in carcinoma esophagus - 5th Asian Cancer Conf, Colombo, Sri Lanka 1981.
43. Chromoesophagoscopy in Carcinoma Oesophagus - 5th Asian Cancer Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka 1981.
44. Clinico epidemiological study of 266 patients of carcinoma esophagus. A.S.I. Conference, Patna 1981.
45. Dye scattering technique in the early diagnosis of carcinoma esophagus. A.S.I. Conference, Patna 1981.
46. Metronidazole- in anaerobic infections - Workshop on Anaerobic infections, Varanasi 1982.
47. Problems of Myasis in Chronic Empyema. IMA Annual function Varanasi-1981
48. Unusual Foriegn Bodies in Oesophagus IMA annual Function Varanasi 1981
49. Problems in Management of Stricture Esophagus. - A.S.I. Conference, Bombay, 1982.
50. Endoscopic Intubational in Carcinoma Esophagus. ASI conference Bombay 1982.
51. Immunological status in carcinoma esophagus - Mid Term Oncology Conference, Jaipur, 1983.
52. Surgery in Chest Wall Tumours - Mid term Oncology conference, Thukur Pukur, Calcutta 1984.
53. Study of pulmonary status in Carcinoma Esophagus - A.S.I. Conference, Lucknow, 1984.
54. Sialestic bung in Chronic Empyema and granulating wounds - A.S.I. Conference, Bangalore 1985.
55. Panelist: tetanus in Surgery Update - Platinum Jubilee Celebration of King George's Medical College,1986.
56. Sialestic Bung in the management of Chronic Empyema with Broncho Pleural Fistula - I.U.A.T. 26th World Conference on Lung Health, Singapore, 1986.
57. New Concept in management of Chronic Empyema - Foundation Day CME of Surgery Department, KGMC 1987.
58. Chromoesophagoscopy by dye scattering technique and routine Bronchoscopy In Carcinoma Esophagus.- 8th Pacific Cancer Conference , Seoul, Korea, September 1987.
59. Peripheral vascular injuries -rationale of management, 34th Annual conference of International College of Surgeons (Indian Section), Pondicherry 1988
60. 'Surgical emergencies At A Peripheral level Hospital' - 34th Annual Conference of International College of Surgeons (Indian Sec.)Pondicherry 1988.
61. CME & Video Film on Mangement of Complicated Empyema Thoracis - ASI National conf, Hyderabad 1991
62. Medical & Surgical perspectives of Leprosy, IMA,Lucknow, Jan.1989.
63. Intravenous & oral replacement of Fluid, IMA,Lucknow,Apr.,1989.
64. Chronic Empyema Thoracis, IMA Faizabad,March 1991
65. Pulmonary Functions in Chronic empyema thoracis - Annual conference of ASI at Hyderabad 1991.
66. Hilioscopy in malignant Pulmonary lesions- Annual conference of ASI at Hyderabad 1991.
67. FNAC in malignant lesions of Lung - Annual Conference of ASI at Hyderabad 1991
68. Past, present and Future of Chronic Empyema- UP Chapter of ASI Conf, Kanpur 1991.
69. Early results of Surgery in Chronic Empyema Thoracis -UP Chapter of ASI conference at Kanpur 1991.
70. Pulmonary Functions -an ill understood aid in diagnosis of Respiratory diseases-UP Chapter of ASI Kanpur 1991.
71. Newer Horizons in Management of Chronic Empyema Thoracis-North Zone General Practitioner's conference - Guest Lecture awarded, Best Orator Gold Medal, 1992.
72. Smoking,Publicity stunts and your lungs, CME Program KGMC,Lucknow,Feb.1993.
73. 1st Mehrotra-Amrit Kohali Memorial Oration on Surgery in pulmonary Tuberculosis, IMA Convention, Moradabad, 1993.
74. Surgery in Diabetes, UPMA on World Diabetes Day, June 27, 1993.
75. Sulbactam-Ampicillin Combination in Surgery, Surgery Update CME, Sept 1993
76. Immunological status in Carcinoma Oesophagus, UP Chapter ASI Allahabad 1993
77. Changing Scenario in Chronic Empyema Thoracis UP Chapter ASI Allahabad 1993.
78. Clinicopathological study of inflammatory lesions of thyroid glands, UP Chapter of A.S.I. Allahabad 1993.
79. Outcome prediction in trauma patients-Evaluation of various scales. UP Chapter ASI Allahabad 1993.
80. An Evaluation of Etioprognostic co-relation in Empyema Thoracis.UP Chapter ASI Allahabad 1993.
81. Clinical study of Chronic empyema thoracis UP Chapter ASI Allahabad 1993.
82. Clinico-pathological study of collapsed lung in chronic empyema thoracis. UP Chapter of ASI Allahabad.1993.
83. Changing Scenario in Chronic Tubercular Empyema Thoracis.17th Eastern Regional Conference on Tuberculosis and respiratory Diseases of IUATLD (International Union Against TB & Lung Diseases), Bangkok, Thailand 1993.
84. Clinico-epidemiological study of burns - Indian perspective, ASI national conf, Madras 1993.
85. Newer perspectives in management of chronic empyeama thoracis, Cardio thoracic section, ASI National Conf, Madras 1993.
86. Diabetes and Surgery, State Conf on Diabetes, Lucknow 1994.
87. Diabetes Detection Camps - Newer Perspectives. NNDU, Madras,1994.
88. Clinico-Epidemiological study of Burns, Conference of National Academy of Burns, 1994, KGMC, Lucknow.
89. Publicity Stunts in Tobacco Advertising, Symposium on Smoking, KGMC, Lucknow 1994.
90. Our Society & drug addiction - Workshop on Prevention of Drug Abuse & Alcoholism, National institute of social Defense, Barabanki, 1994.
91. Surgery & Diabetes, UPMA, WHO dir. World Diabetes Day, 1994
92. Teacher's training in teaching - forthcoming storm in medical education, XX Annual Conference of UP chapter of A.S.I. Gorakhpur, 1994.
93. Thoracotomies under local anaesthesia - break through in Chronic Empyema, XX Annual Conference of UP chapter of A.S.I. Gorakhpur, 1994.
94. New Approach to Haemorroidectomies under local anaesthesia, XX Annual Conference of UP chapter of A.S.I.,Gorakhpur, 1994.
95. Experimental Study on tracheal reconstructions, XX Annual Conference of UP chapter of A.S.I.Gorakhpur1994.
96. An evaluation of pleuro-obliterative procedures in Chronic Empyema Thoracis, XX Annual Conference of UP chapter of A.S.I. Gorakhpur1994.
97. Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (NAC) by Cisplatinum & Doxorubicin Intrarterially/ Intravenously in Osteosarcoma-A prospective Study, 16th International Cancer Congress, UICC, (Bone Tumour session) New Delhi, India 1994.
98. Antioxidant Adjuvant Therapy using a natural herbal mixture MAK during Intensive chemotherapy : Reduction in toxicity. -A prospective study of 62 patients, 16th International Cancer Congress, UICC, (Chemotherapy session) New Delhi, India,1994
99. Management of Chronic Empyema Thoracis, Annual conf. Indian Soc. of Head & Neck Oncology, Haridwar, 1995
100. Guest Lecture on Chronic Empyema Thoracis -Annual Conf and CME IMA Basti - 1995.
101. Guest Lecture on 'Role of Surgery in Diabetes Mellitus', World Diabetes Day, UPMA 1995.
102. A study of Perchlorate block in endemic goitre, XXI Annual Conference of UP chapter of A.S.I. Agra, 1995.
103. Epidemiological profile and mortality of trauma victims in India, XXI Annual Conf UP chapter A.S.I., Agra 1995.
104. An evaluation of functional restoration in cases of Empyema Thoracis, XXI Annual Conf UP ASI Agra 1995
105. Was awarded 'Dr.A.K.Mehrotra Memorial Guest Lecture' on Chronic Empyema Thoracis, XXI Annual Conf UP ASI, Agra, 1995.
106. Chair, Plenary session on Tuberculosis, 42nd Annual Conf International College of Surgeons, Kanyakumari 1996.
107. Management of complications in Chronic Empyema Thoracis, 42nd Annual Conf International College of Surgeons, Kanyakumari, 1996
108. Treatment of Empyema Thoracis - a Challenge, 7th International Surgical Conference, UAE, 1996.
109. Modified procedures in Empyema Thoracis-An Experience of over 20 years - UP Chapter ASI, Gorakhpur 1996
110. Etioprognostic co-relation in Chronic Empyema thoracis - UP Chapter A.S.I. Gorakhpur. 1996
111. Traditional vs Minimally Invasive Surgery in gall bladder disease, UP Chapter ASI, Lucknow 1997
112. Changing scenario in Chronic Empyema thoracis, Foundation day CME KGMC Lucknow, 1998
113. Dr. S.C. Misra Memorial Oration on 'Innovations in Therapeutic Strategies in Chronic Empyema Thoracis', ASI UP Chapter conf, Allahabad, 1998.
114. Changing Scenario in Chronic Empyema Thoracis, World Conf on Lung Health, IUATLD (International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease), Bangkok Thailand 1998.
115. Guest Lecture on 'Chronic Empyema Thoracis' - Gujarat State Chapter of ASI conf, Ahmedabad 1998
116. Guest Lecture on 'Management of Chest Injuries', National Surgical Update, 'Surgery in 2000' Armed Forces Medical Corps, Lucknow1999.
117. Guest lecture on 'Thyroidectomy under Local anesthesia' Annual Conf of ASI, Madurai, 1999
118. 'Newer Horizons in management of Diabetic Foot', Annual conf ASI, Madurai, 1999
119. Newer Innovations in Thyroid Surgery, Annual Conf of ASI, Madurai, 1999
120. Parameters in evaluation of Solitary Thyroid Nodule, Annual conf ASI, Madurai 1999
121. Sutureless closure of thyroidectomy wounds, Annual conference of ASI, Madurai, 1999
122. Existing knowledge of Universal Precautions in medical students at a premier medical college of India: World Conference on Reproductive Health, Manila Philippines, 2001
123. CME Guest Lecture on 'Changing Scenario in Management of Chronic Empyema Thoracis', National Heart Institute, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2001.
124. Still there is hope-Diabetic foot Lecture in diabetic foot clinic inauguration ceremony by Z.METALKO Nov, 2001
125. Lecture on tobacco addiction at NER auditorium, Lucknow 30.11.02.
126. Management of CVI., Foundation day deliberation, medical college, Nepalganj, 20 Nov. 2002
127. Management of Diabetic foot- Guest lecture, Georgian meet at Bareilly, Dec. 2002
128. Startling revelations in Tobacco cessation-12th World conference On Tobacco or Health, Helsinki, Finland, August, 2003
129. Miracles of nutritional supplementation in chronic suppurrative disorders of chest-PENSA 2003, Annual Asian conference of ISPEN, Nov.5-10 , 2003 , Goa.
130. Critical lung functions in chronic Empyema thoraces-Still there is hope, Golden Jubilee Foundation day Surgery, Jan.16, 2004 Lucknow.
131. Universal Precautions-Guest lecture at Training program for doctors- February 2005, Lucknow.
132. Surgical advances in Diabetic foot-Annual CME, IMA, April 2005, Lucknow. Role of early amputations in management of Diabetic Foot- 5th Annual conference of Diabetic Foot Society of India, 13-15 October, 2006 Mumbai.
133. Universal Precautions -Regional training program for Medical officers, KG Medical University November 2006
134. Hospital waste management- Regional training program for Medical officers, KG Medical University November 2006
135. Scope of vascular surgery in Diabetic foot-VASCULOCON 2007 BHU, Varanasi 28 July 2007
136. Antibiotics in Surgery- August 18, 2007 Lucknow College of Surgeons.
137. Feracrylum in Surgery - Lucknow college of Surgeons Lecture for Postgraduates and practitioners. 24 August 2007.
138. Guest speaker on Tobacco Control Strategies at Mauritius. 22-27 May 2008.
139. HAL & RAR training in haemorrhoid at Vienna, Austria. 17-20 January 2008.
140. Guest speaker in national conference on Tobacco Control at Bhopal, 04-07 September 2008.
141. Anal fissure, Kanpur. 06 September 2008.
142. Anal fissure- Jhansi. 05 October 2008.
143. Standard Surgical Techniques in Seriously Infected Diabetic Foot" in DFSICON-2008 - Saha Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Kolkata, 10 October 2008.
144. Universal Precautions & Biomedical waste management at ART Training Center, CSMMU, Lucknow. 14 October 2008.
145. Nutritional guidelines in burn patients at Burn Week - Sushrut Institute of Plastic Surgery, Burns & Trauma (SIPS), Lucknow. 24 October 2008.
146. UP Chapter of ASI Conference on Revolution in Management of Piles at Bareilly. 08 November 2008.
147. Bleeding per rectum at CME of IMA, Lucknow. 17 November 2008.
148. When an amputation becomes essential and lifesaving- SGPGIMS, Lucknow. 22 November 2008.
149. Guest lecture on "Patient - Doctor Relationship" at Haldwani. 11 January 2009.
150. Guest lecture on Live Workshop Splenectomy, DGHAL at Gorakhpur. 07 February 2009.
151. Chairperson on Management of Inapparent Carcinoma of Gall Bladder. 08 February 2009.
152. Guest lecture & poster presentation on "Evaluation of status of smoking in family cars" at World Conference on Tobacco in Mumbai. 10-13 March 2009.
153. Guest lecture on "Anal Fissure" at Azamgarh. 28th March 2009.
154. Guest lecture on "Universal Precautions" at Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University, Lucknow. 08th April 2009.
155. Delivered lecture on "Nutrition and physical activity for a healthy living" at Mahanagar Girls Inter College, Lucknow based on Junk Food, Obesity and Diabetes in School Children by Project "MARG" : The Path - A World Diabetes Foundation (Denmark) Funded Project, Diabetes Foundation (India). 11th April 2009.
156. Guest speaker on "Mindset in Life" at K.K. Hospital, Lucknow. 19th April 2009.
157. Delivered lecture on "Safe Saturday-Tobacco Control" in the Department of Surgery, Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University, Lucknow. 25th April 2009.
158. Chairperson on various topics "Rare variation of the right hepatic artery, Laparoscopic retrieval of foreign body urinary bladder, Laparoscopic trans- gastric necrosectomy, Laparoscopic donor nephrectomy, Laparoscopic management of cystic neoplasms of pancreas & Laparoscopic subtotal gall bladder" at 4th international congress of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India at Mumbai - AMASICON - 2009 on 21st to 24th May 2009.
159. Guest lecture on "Energizing Nutrition Support Practice for Life" in international conference PENSA-2009 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 5th to 7th June 2009.
160. Invited by Malaya Medical University for delivering a lecture on "DG-HAL & RAR in Haemorrhoids : Can it wipe off surgery?" 5th June 2009.
161. Invited by Singapore College of Surgeons to deliver guest lecture on "Trends of Surgery in Empyema Thoracis". 8th June 2009.
162. Chief Speaker & Coordinator on "Surgical Site Infection-Prevention" at Directorate, Medical Education & Health, Uttar Pradesh Government, Lucknow. 4th July 2009.
163. Invited for participant in Surgical Site Infection (SSI) prevention symposium at Jaipur. 12th July 2009.
164. Invited for "Post Surgical Infection" in 3rd meeting of the working group to write the Part-II of the Report on "Scientific Evaluation of Sterilization Practices in India" at New Delhi on 3rd August 2009.
165. Delivered lecture on "Patient - Doctor Relationship" in Georgeion Alumini Association, Brown Hall, CSMMU, Lucknow on 28th August 2009.
" Large number of presentations on several subjects with predominance of pulmonary functions, chronic empyema, diabetic foot, Tobacco cessation, piles and thyroid problems, presented at large number of medical and surgical association meetings at district, state and national level.
2. Serum Arginase in Experimental liver damage - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Kanpur, 1975.
3. Conray Inguinal Herniography - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I., Kanpur, 1975.
4. Exfoliative cytology and Toludine Blue Test in the Diagnosis of early Neoplastic Lesions of Oral Cavity. - U.G.C. Seminar on Head and Neck Cancer, Varanasi, Feb., 1976.
5. Inguinal Chromo-Herniography - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Meerut, Nov, 1976.
6. Routine Ano-rectal dialation - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Meerut, Nov., 1976.
7. Lactic Acid in Cranio-Cerebral Trauma - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Meerut, Nov., 1976.
8. Sigmoidopexy by Tube Colostomy - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Meerut, Nov., 1976.
9. Misdiagnosis of Tetanus - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Lucknow, Nov., 1977.
10. Acetyl Choline in acute Cranio-cerebral trauma - UP Chapter of ASI, Lucknow, Nov., 1977
11. Patterns of Chest injuries in civilian practice - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Lucknow, Nov., 1977.
12. Trends of Surgery in Pulmonary Tuberculosis - National Tuberculosis Conference, Lucknow, Oct., 1976.
13. Surgery in Pulmonary Tuberculosis - Annual Conference of I.M.A. Varanasi, March, 1977.
14. Ventury Bronchoscopy - A.S.I. Conference, Madurai, 1977.
15. Radio-Therapy in Carcinoma Oesophagus - A.S.I. Conference, Madurai, 1977.
16. Experimental production of intra-peritoneal adhesions and their prevention - International Conference of Anatomical Society ,Lucknow, Oct.,1977
17. Unilateral destroyed lung - National Conference of T.B. Association, Lucknow ,October,1977.
18. Sign of Pleural Thickening in Chronic Empyema - Annual Conference of Radiologists Assoc., Lucknow,1978.
19. Primary and Secondary Pleuro-Pulmonary mycosis.- International Cardio- pulmonary Symposium ,Bombay, Sept.1977.
20. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome- Vascular manifestation and their management - Mid Session Cardio-pulmonary Congress, Kanpur, Sept.1978.
21. Early and late results of surgical management of traumatic arterio- venous fistulae and aneurysms - Mid Session of Cardio-Pulmonary Congress, Kanpur, 1978.
22. I.V. Metronidozole in anaerobic infections - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Agra 1978.
23. Calculography in the Diagnosis of Cholecystolithisis -UP Chapter of ASI, Agra, 1978.
24. Role of I.P.P.R. and Bronchodialators in respiratory insufficiency - U.P. Chapter of ASI, Agra, 1978.
25. Incidence of carcinoma breast.- U.G.C. Seminar on Breast Cancer, Varanasi , March,1979.
26. Urinary Neutral 17-Keto steroids in carcinoma breast - U.G.C. Seminar on Breast Cancer, Varanasi March 1979.
27. Our experiences in permanent pacemakers' implantations - Mid Session Congress of Cardiology & Cardiac Surgeons, Srinagar, 1979.
28. Combination Chemotherapy in advanced breast cancer -4th Asian Cancer Congress, Bombay, 1979.
29. Radical Neck Dissection and primary re-construction in oral cancer - Conference of A.S.I. Hyderabad, 1979.
30. Newer Perspectives in the understanding of post-operative intraperitoneal adhesions - Best Paper Award on Basic Research - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I., Allahabad, 1979.
31. Role of Surgery in the management of Pulmonary Tuberculosis - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Allahabad, 1979.
32. Prenatal Sex Determination. Urological Workshop, K.G.M.C.Lucknow, Sept.29.1979
33. Effect of Contraceptives on Chromosomes - 4th National Conference of Ethnographic & Folk Culture, Lucknow, 1980.
34. Histo-Pathology of Testis in post-vasectomy sterility - 4th National Conf of Ethnographic & Folk Culture, Lucknow, 1980.
35. Effect of Sex Hormones on Chromosomes - Professor K.B.Memorial paper contest, Lucknow, January, 1980.
36. Role of practitioners in the management of chest injuries.- Annual Conference of I.M.A., Faizabad1980
37. Role of practitioners in thoracic Emergencies -.- Annual Conference of I.M.A., Barabanki 1980
38. Management of Carcinoma oesophagus, a review of 266 patients - 1st Mid Term Conference of Oncology A.S.I. Bombay, August 1980.
39. Screening of well women by thermography coupled with mammography .1st Mid Term Conference of Oncology, A.S.I. Bombay, and August 1980.
40. Radical Resection in oral cancer - a review U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Varanasi, 1980.
41. Screening for early detection of carcinoma breast - U.P. Chapter of A.S.I. Varanasi, 1980.
42. Evaluation of reproductive factor in carcinoma esophagus - 5th Asian Cancer Conf, Colombo, Sri Lanka 1981.
43. Chromoesophagoscopy in Carcinoma Oesophagus - 5th Asian Cancer Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka 1981.
44. Clinico epidemiological study of 266 patients of carcinoma esophagus. A.S.I. Conference, Patna 1981.
45. Dye scattering technique in the early diagnosis of carcinoma esophagus. A.S.I. Conference, Patna 1981.
46. Metronidazole- in anaerobic infections - Workshop on Anaerobic infections, Varanasi 1982.
47. Problems of Myasis in Chronic Empyema. IMA Annual function Varanasi-1981
48. Unusual Foriegn Bodies in Oesophagus IMA annual Function Varanasi 1981
49. Problems in Management of Stricture Esophagus. - A.S.I. Conference, Bombay, 1982.
50. Endoscopic Intubational in Carcinoma Esophagus. ASI conference Bombay 1982.
51. Immunological status in carcinoma esophagus - Mid Term Oncology Conference, Jaipur, 1983.
52. Surgery in Chest Wall Tumours - Mid term Oncology conference, Thukur Pukur, Calcutta 1984.
53. Study of pulmonary status in Carcinoma Esophagus - A.S.I. Conference, Lucknow, 1984.
54. Sialestic bung in Chronic Empyema and granulating wounds - A.S.I. Conference, Bangalore 1985.
55. Panelist: tetanus in Surgery Update - Platinum Jubilee Celebration of King George's Medical College,1986.
56. Sialestic Bung in the management of Chronic Empyema with Broncho Pleural Fistula - I.U.A.T. 26th World Conference on Lung Health, Singapore, 1986.
57. New Concept in management of Chronic Empyema - Foundation Day CME of Surgery Department, KGMC 1987.
58. Chromoesophagoscopy by dye scattering technique and routine Bronchoscopy In Carcinoma Esophagus.- 8th Pacific Cancer Conference , Seoul, Korea, September 1987.
59. Peripheral vascular injuries -rationale of management, 34th Annual conference of International College of Surgeons (Indian Section), Pondicherry 1988
60. 'Surgical emergencies At A Peripheral level Hospital' - 34th Annual Conference of International College of Surgeons (Indian Sec.)Pondicherry 1988.
61. CME & Video Film on Mangement of Complicated Empyema Thoracis - ASI National conf, Hyderabad 1991
62. Medical & Surgical perspectives of Leprosy, IMA,Lucknow, Jan.1989.
63. Intravenous & oral replacement of Fluid, IMA,Lucknow,Apr.,1989.
64. Chronic Empyema Thoracis, IMA Faizabad,March 1991
65. Pulmonary Functions in Chronic empyema thoracis - Annual conference of ASI at Hyderabad 1991.
66. Hilioscopy in malignant Pulmonary lesions- Annual conference of ASI at Hyderabad 1991.
67. FNAC in malignant lesions of Lung - Annual Conference of ASI at Hyderabad 1991
68. Past, present and Future of Chronic Empyema- UP Chapter of ASI Conf, Kanpur 1991.
69. Early results of Surgery in Chronic Empyema Thoracis -UP Chapter of ASI conference at Kanpur 1991.
70. Pulmonary Functions -an ill understood aid in diagnosis of Respiratory diseases-UP Chapter of ASI Kanpur 1991.
71. Newer Horizons in Management of Chronic Empyema Thoracis-North Zone General Practitioner's conference - Guest Lecture awarded, Best Orator Gold Medal, 1992.
72. Smoking,Publicity stunts and your lungs, CME Program KGMC,Lucknow,Feb.1993.
73. 1st Mehrotra-Amrit Kohali Memorial Oration on Surgery in pulmonary Tuberculosis, IMA Convention, Moradabad, 1993.
74. Surgery in Diabetes, UPMA on World Diabetes Day, June 27, 1993.
75. Sulbactam-Ampicillin Combination in Surgery, Surgery Update CME, Sept 1993
76. Immunological status in Carcinoma Oesophagus, UP Chapter ASI Allahabad 1993
77. Changing Scenario in Chronic Empyema Thoracis UP Chapter ASI Allahabad 1993.
78. Clinicopathological study of inflammatory lesions of thyroid glands, UP Chapter of A.S.I. Allahabad 1993.
79. Outcome prediction in trauma patients-Evaluation of various scales. UP Chapter ASI Allahabad 1993.
80. An Evaluation of Etioprognostic co-relation in Empyema Thoracis.UP Chapter ASI Allahabad 1993.
81. Clinical study of Chronic empyema thoracis UP Chapter ASI Allahabad 1993.
82. Clinico-pathological study of collapsed lung in chronic empyema thoracis. UP Chapter of ASI Allahabad.1993.
83. Changing Scenario in Chronic Tubercular Empyema Thoracis.17th Eastern Regional Conference on Tuberculosis and respiratory Diseases of IUATLD (International Union Against TB & Lung Diseases), Bangkok, Thailand 1993.
84. Clinico-epidemiological study of burns - Indian perspective, ASI national conf, Madras 1993.
85. Newer perspectives in management of chronic empyeama thoracis, Cardio thoracic section, ASI National Conf, Madras 1993.
86. Diabetes and Surgery, State Conf on Diabetes, Lucknow 1994.
87. Diabetes Detection Camps - Newer Perspectives. NNDU, Madras,1994.
88. Clinico-Epidemiological study of Burns, Conference of National Academy of Burns, 1994, KGMC, Lucknow.
89. Publicity Stunts in Tobacco Advertising, Symposium on Smoking, KGMC, Lucknow 1994.
90. Our Society & drug addiction - Workshop on Prevention of Drug Abuse & Alcoholism, National institute of social Defense, Barabanki, 1994.
91. Surgery & Diabetes, UPMA, WHO dir. World Diabetes Day, 1994
92. Teacher's training in teaching - forthcoming storm in medical education, XX Annual Conference of UP chapter of A.S.I. Gorakhpur, 1994.
93. Thoracotomies under local anaesthesia - break through in Chronic Empyema, XX Annual Conference of UP chapter of A.S.I. Gorakhpur, 1994.
94. New Approach to Haemorroidectomies under local anaesthesia, XX Annual Conference of UP chapter of A.S.I.,Gorakhpur, 1994.
95. Experimental Study on tracheal reconstructions, XX Annual Conference of UP chapter of A.S.I.Gorakhpur1994.
96. An evaluation of pleuro-obliterative procedures in Chronic Empyema Thoracis, XX Annual Conference of UP chapter of A.S.I. Gorakhpur1994.
97. Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (NAC) by Cisplatinum & Doxorubicin Intrarterially/ Intravenously in Osteosarcoma-A prospective Study, 16th International Cancer Congress, UICC, (Bone Tumour session) New Delhi, India 1994.
98. Antioxidant Adjuvant Therapy using a natural herbal mixture MAK during Intensive chemotherapy : Reduction in toxicity. -A prospective study of 62 patients, 16th International Cancer Congress, UICC, (Chemotherapy session) New Delhi, India,1994
99. Management of Chronic Empyema Thoracis, Annual conf. Indian Soc. of Head & Neck Oncology, Haridwar, 1995
100. Guest Lecture on Chronic Empyema Thoracis -Annual Conf and CME IMA Basti - 1995.
101. Guest Lecture on 'Role of Surgery in Diabetes Mellitus', World Diabetes Day, UPMA 1995.
102. A study of Perchlorate block in endemic goitre, XXI Annual Conference of UP chapter of A.S.I. Agra, 1995.
103. Epidemiological profile and mortality of trauma victims in India, XXI Annual Conf UP chapter A.S.I., Agra 1995.
104. An evaluation of functional restoration in cases of Empyema Thoracis, XXI Annual Conf UP ASI Agra 1995
105. Was awarded 'Dr.A.K.Mehrotra Memorial Guest Lecture' on Chronic Empyema Thoracis, XXI Annual Conf UP ASI, Agra, 1995.
106. Chair, Plenary session on Tuberculosis, 42nd Annual Conf International College of Surgeons, Kanyakumari 1996.
107. Management of complications in Chronic Empyema Thoracis, 42nd Annual Conf International College of Surgeons, Kanyakumari, 1996
108. Treatment of Empyema Thoracis - a Challenge, 7th International Surgical Conference, UAE, 1996.
109. Modified procedures in Empyema Thoracis-An Experience of over 20 years - UP Chapter ASI, Gorakhpur 1996
110. Etioprognostic co-relation in Chronic Empyema thoracis - UP Chapter A.S.I. Gorakhpur. 1996
111. Traditional vs Minimally Invasive Surgery in gall bladder disease, UP Chapter ASI, Lucknow 1997
112. Changing scenario in Chronic Empyema thoracis, Foundation day CME KGMC Lucknow, 1998
113. Dr. S.C. Misra Memorial Oration on 'Innovations in Therapeutic Strategies in Chronic Empyema Thoracis', ASI UP Chapter conf, Allahabad, 1998.
114. Changing Scenario in Chronic Empyema Thoracis, World Conf on Lung Health, IUATLD (International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease), Bangkok Thailand 1998.
115. Guest Lecture on 'Chronic Empyema Thoracis' - Gujarat State Chapter of ASI conf, Ahmedabad 1998
116. Guest Lecture on 'Management of Chest Injuries', National Surgical Update, 'Surgery in 2000' Armed Forces Medical Corps, Lucknow1999.
117. Guest lecture on 'Thyroidectomy under Local anesthesia' Annual Conf of ASI, Madurai, 1999
118. 'Newer Horizons in management of Diabetic Foot', Annual conf ASI, Madurai, 1999
119. Newer Innovations in Thyroid Surgery, Annual Conf of ASI, Madurai, 1999
120. Parameters in evaluation of Solitary Thyroid Nodule, Annual conf ASI, Madurai 1999
121. Sutureless closure of thyroidectomy wounds, Annual conference of ASI, Madurai, 1999
122. Existing knowledge of Universal Precautions in medical students at a premier medical college of India: World Conference on Reproductive Health, Manila Philippines, 2001
123. CME Guest Lecture on 'Changing Scenario in Management of Chronic Empyema Thoracis', National Heart Institute, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2001.
124. Still there is hope-Diabetic foot Lecture in diabetic foot clinic inauguration ceremony by Z.METALKO Nov, 2001
125. Lecture on tobacco addiction at NER auditorium, Lucknow 30.11.02.
126. Management of CVI., Foundation day deliberation, medical college, Nepalganj, 20 Nov. 2002
127. Management of Diabetic foot- Guest lecture, Georgian meet at Bareilly, Dec. 2002
128. Startling revelations in Tobacco cessation-12th World conference On Tobacco or Health, Helsinki, Finland, August, 2003
129. Miracles of nutritional supplementation in chronic suppurrative disorders of chest-PENSA 2003, Annual Asian conference of ISPEN, Nov.5-10 , 2003 , Goa.
130. Critical lung functions in chronic Empyema thoraces-Still there is hope, Golden Jubilee Foundation day Surgery, Jan.16, 2004 Lucknow.
131. Universal Precautions-Guest lecture at Training program for doctors- February 2005, Lucknow.
132. Surgical advances in Diabetic foot-Annual CME, IMA, April 2005, Lucknow. Role of early amputations in management of Diabetic Foot- 5th Annual conference of Diabetic Foot Society of India, 13-15 October, 2006 Mumbai.
133. Universal Precautions -Regional training program for Medical officers, KG Medical University November 2006
134. Hospital waste management- Regional training program for Medical officers, KG Medical University November 2006
135. Scope of vascular surgery in Diabetic foot-VASCULOCON 2007 BHU, Varanasi 28 July 2007
136. Antibiotics in Surgery- August 18, 2007 Lucknow College of Surgeons.
137. Feracrylum in Surgery - Lucknow college of Surgeons Lecture for Postgraduates and practitioners. 24 August 2007.
138. Guest speaker on Tobacco Control Strategies at Mauritius. 22-27 May 2008.
139. HAL & RAR training in haemorrhoid at Vienna, Austria. 17-20 January 2008.
140. Guest speaker in national conference on Tobacco Control at Bhopal, 04-07 September 2008.
141. Anal fissure, Kanpur. 06 September 2008.
142. Anal fissure- Jhansi. 05 October 2008.
143. Standard Surgical Techniques in Seriously Infected Diabetic Foot" in DFSICON-2008 - Saha Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Kolkata, 10 October 2008.
144. Universal Precautions & Biomedical waste management at ART Training Center, CSMMU, Lucknow. 14 October 2008.
145. Nutritional guidelines in burn patients at Burn Week - Sushrut Institute of Plastic Surgery, Burns & Trauma (SIPS), Lucknow. 24 October 2008.
146. UP Chapter of ASI Conference on Revolution in Management of Piles at Bareilly. 08 November 2008.
147. Bleeding per rectum at CME of IMA, Lucknow. 17 November 2008.
148. When an amputation becomes essential and lifesaving- SGPGIMS, Lucknow. 22 November 2008.
149. Guest lecture on "Patient - Doctor Relationship" at Haldwani. 11 January 2009.
150. Guest lecture on Live Workshop Splenectomy, DGHAL at Gorakhpur. 07 February 2009.
151. Chairperson on Management of Inapparent Carcinoma of Gall Bladder. 08 February 2009.
152. Guest lecture & poster presentation on "Evaluation of status of smoking in family cars" at World Conference on Tobacco in Mumbai. 10-13 March 2009.
153. Guest lecture on "Anal Fissure" at Azamgarh. 28th March 2009.
154. Guest lecture on "Universal Precautions" at Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University, Lucknow. 08th April 2009.
155. Delivered lecture on "Nutrition and physical activity for a healthy living" at Mahanagar Girls Inter College, Lucknow based on Junk Food, Obesity and Diabetes in School Children by Project "MARG" : The Path - A World Diabetes Foundation (Denmark) Funded Project, Diabetes Foundation (India). 11th April 2009.
156. Guest speaker on "Mindset in Life" at K.K. Hospital, Lucknow. 19th April 2009.
157. Delivered lecture on "Safe Saturday-Tobacco Control" in the Department of Surgery, Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University, Lucknow. 25th April 2009.
158. Chairperson on various topics "Rare variation of the right hepatic artery, Laparoscopic retrieval of foreign body urinary bladder, Laparoscopic trans- gastric necrosectomy, Laparoscopic donor nephrectomy, Laparoscopic management of cystic neoplasms of pancreas & Laparoscopic subtotal gall bladder" at 4th international congress of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India at Mumbai - AMASICON - 2009 on 21st to 24th May 2009.
159. Guest lecture on "Energizing Nutrition Support Practice for Life" in international conference PENSA-2009 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 5th to 7th June 2009.
160. Invited by Malaya Medical University for delivering a lecture on "DG-HAL & RAR in Haemorrhoids : Can it wipe off surgery?" 5th June 2009.
161. Invited by Singapore College of Surgeons to deliver guest lecture on "Trends of Surgery in Empyema Thoracis". 8th June 2009.
162. Chief Speaker & Coordinator on "Surgical Site Infection-Prevention" at Directorate, Medical Education & Health, Uttar Pradesh Government, Lucknow. 4th July 2009.
163. Invited for participant in Surgical Site Infection (SSI) prevention symposium at Jaipur. 12th July 2009.
164. Invited for "Post Surgical Infection" in 3rd meeting of the working group to write the Part-II of the Report on "Scientific Evaluation of Sterilization Practices in India" at New Delhi on 3rd August 2009.
165. Delivered lecture on "Patient - Doctor Relationship" in Georgeion Alumini Association, Brown Hall, CSMMU, Lucknow on 28th August 2009.
" Large number of presentations on several subjects with predominance of pulmonary functions, chronic empyema, diabetic foot, Tobacco cessation, piles and thyroid problems, presented at large number of medical and surgical association meetings at district, state and national level.